Modeling MeerKATs 2:
Simulations vs. Observations of the Extragalactic Radio Universe
Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), 26-28 February 2024
In 2019, the Modeling MeerKATs workshop at Kruger Park brought together simulators and observers to strategize using upcoming MeerKAT observations to constrain galaxy evolution and cosmology. Today, MeerKAT and other SKA precursors such as ASKAP, GMRT, and others are revolutionizing our knowledge of the extragalactic radio sky. With unprecedented radio data in hand and ever-improving simulations, the time is right to once again bring together the modeling and observational communities to discuss how to optimally constrain the physical processes governing the evolution of galaxies, black holes, circum-galactic and inter-galactic gas, and large-scale structure using the latest HI-21cm emission, HI-21cm absorption, radio continuum, and radio polarization data.
Modeling MeerKATs 2 is a small, interactive 3-day workshop open to anyone interested in engaging in simulation-observation comparisons of radio and related multi-wavelength data. It is being held directly after the MeerKAT @ 5 celebration of five years of MeerKAT operation, for those wishing to extend their stay in the beautiful Cape Winelands. The workshop will be in-person only owing to its interactive nature. Coffee breaks and lunch at STIAS are included. There will be no registration fee, but participants must cover their own travel costs. We particularly encourage participation by junior scientists in South Africa and other SKA partner countries.
Registration is now closed, and the list of accepted participants has been posted. If you are among those, please feel free to make travel plans, and we are looking forward to welcoming you to Stellenbosch in February. If not, we sincerely apologise as this workshop was oversubscribed and we could not accommodate all applicants.