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Thank you to everyone who attended!
Hollis Akins (UT-Austin)
Nikhil Arora (Queen's U.)
Arif Babul (U. Victoria)
Julia Blue Bird (NRAO)
Connor Bottrell (ICRAR)
James Bullock (UC Irvine)
Ting-Yun Cheng (Durham)
Romeel Davé (Edinburgh)
Roberto DePropris (BIUST)
Jonathan Freundlich (Strasbourg)
Karl Glazebrook (Swinburne)
Chris Hayward (CCA)
Kartheik Iyer (Columbia)
Fred Jennings (Edinburgh)
Nissim Kanekar (NCRA)
Neal Katz (UMass)
Leon Koopmans (Kapteyn)
Sushma Kurapati (UCT)
Lachlan Lancaster (Columbia)
Joel Leja (Penn State)
Hui Li (Tsinghua U.)
Ilani Loubser (North-West U.)
Abhishek Mohapatra (UCT)
Themiya Nanayakkara (Swinburne)
Tom Quinn (Washington)
Nicole Thomas (ICRAR)
Pieter van Dokkum (Yale)
Aditi Vijayan (ANU)
Kate Whitaker (UMass)
Nikki Zabel (UCT)
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